Currin Notes

By michael Tue 6th Dec

Currin GFC Notes



The feel good factor and positivity that has been engendered during our 125th year was once again evident on Saturday night last when a bumper crowd gathered for our Annual General Meeting in the Community Centre, Scotshouse.

The outgoing secretary, John Connolly in his report, congratulated  the Senior team on achieving Division 1 status.  He said it will be great that they will be playing at the top level in 2012. The Treasurers report was as usual presented in a meticulous fashion by Brian Mc Cabe. David Rafferty, Vice Chairman  drew a standing ovation on the production of his 125 report. Mary Mc Entee outlined the Youth activities and thanked the coaches and parents for their support. The outgoing chairman  Hugo Clerkin thanked everyone for their work for the club especially those who did so voluntarily and commented on how priveledged he was to have been chairman in these successful years. In particular he congratulated and thanked the management team of Gerry Glancy and Michael Slowey  and all the players. These players primarily played for the honour of wearing  ‘the Currin Jersey’ and would do so next year as a senior club. The 125 sub committee under the stewardship of David Rafferty recieved great praise for their organisation of all events throughout the year and which culminated in the marvellous Celebration Dinner a few weeks ago.

Election Of Officers:  Chairman, David Rafferty. Vice Chairman, Declan Mc Cabe. Secretary, Patricia Mc Carron. Assistant Secretary, Mary Mc Entee. Treasurer, Brian Mc Cabe. PRO, Hugo Clerkin. Registrar, Terry Fay. Insurance Officer, Dick Clerkin. Cultural and Heritage Officer, Marie North. ASAP Officer,  Aidan Quigley. U 21 Members, Jack Mc Carron, Paddy Mc Dermott, Ciaran Mc Caffrey. Committee members, Austin Mc Entee, Michael Poynton, Ray Mc Carron, Eddie Burns, Kieran Keirans, Roger Carey.

David Rafferty on taking over the Chairmans position spoke of the great honour it was for him to be Chairman of his club. His family had a great association with Currin with his father John and brother Niall having played with distinction in the Currin jersey. His mother Mary is a life long member and has served the club in many ways in the past. Davids wife Margaret is currently the Physiotherapist for all our players.

We wish David and his new committe well in the coming year.

Lotto Results:

Week ending, Sunday 4th December 2011. No Jackpot Winner. €15 rizewinners:-  Austin Mc Entee, Scotshouse. M Mc Govern,  Oakview Clones. Debbie Mc Dermott, Oriel Park Clones. Josie Moore, Teer. Mary Henephan c/o John Smith. Anna Mc Kiernan, Leggykelly. John Corr, Ballinagh. Margaret Smith, Corrineary. Jimmy Fay, Scotshouse. Dwane Mc Philips, Derrykerrib.

Next weeks Jackpot : €4700.


Dancing:  Every Monday evening in the Scotshouse Community Centre from 9.00 to 11.00pm. Newcomers welcome.

Bingo: Every Tuesday evening in the Scotshouse Community Centre at 9.00pm  New members always welcome. Please support the draw for the very large basket of goodies for Christmas. View the hamper in Connolly’s shop and fill in the sheets at €2 a line or 3 lines for €5.

Music: Every Thursday evening at 7.30pm in the Scotshouse Community Centre  with Pat McQuade.

Congratulations to Agnes McEntee who celebrates her 90th birthday this week.  Best wishes from her family and friends.

Congratulations to Martina and Stephen Beattie whose daughter Lucy Mae was Christened  last Sunday afternoon in the Church of the Immaculate Conception. A group of family and close friends were present to help them celebrate this wonderful occasion.

ICA Table Quiz:  Congratulations to Annie Smyth, Jean Coyle and Irene O’Brien who represented Scotshouse Guild at the Federation Table Quiz. They came 3rd out of 13 teams.  Their 95 points out of 100 were beaten by Magheracloone who scored 96, with the winners Ballinode scoring 97.  Best wishes to Ballinode in the National ICA Table Quiz Final at An Grianan next year.

Thanks to all who supported the fundraiser for the Scotshouse Senior Citizens party due to take place on Sunday 11th December.  A great total of €958 was raised on the night.

Killeevan Development Association organised a great Christmas Dinner for the Senior Citizens in Newbliss on Saturday last.  165 guests were served by a delightful group of young people. Those from Scotshouse who attended were made feel very welcome and had a very enjoyable afternoon.

Christmas Youth Mass: Sunday 18th December in St Michael’s Church, Enniskillen at 7.30pm. Lively, energetic and vibrant liturgy that speaks to young people.  First live performance of Clogher don Óige ministries band.

Athletics Notes:  Training for Cross-country will be on Friday at 6.00pm. Assemble at Acorn centre. New members over 9 are always welcome to come along and train.

Indoor Bowls: Every Thursday at 8.00pm at Connons social club.  New members welcome, all equipment is available just bring yourself and a friend if you wish.  A very friendly group who make you feel very welcome.

By michael Tue 6th Dec

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