Tyholland Notes

By michael Tue 8th Nov

Slotto: Numbers drawn are 5, 6, 8 & 24. Lucky dip winners are Eugene Freeman, Rory Kavanagh, Orla Donnolly and Olive McCooey. This weekend’s jackpot is €14,100.

Club Merchandise: Anyone wishing to purchase hoodies or replica jerseys please contact Kevin Kavanagh on 0872792678 within the next week.

Coaching Course: Level 1 coaching course takes place on 11th/12th November in Cloghan. Times are – Friday 11th 7pm to 10pm and Saturday 12th from 9.30am to 4.30pm. If you are willing to give your time next year to any of the juvenile teams this course must be completed. Please contact Kevin Kavanagh.

Juvenile Draw: Tickets have been circulating over the last few weeks for our Juvenile Fundraiser. No dates for the draw have been fixed of yet! This is very important for the future running of our juvenile club so make sure and support this worthwhile cause.

Good Luck: To Therese and Grainne McNally and all the Monaghan Ladies who are up for All-Star awards this Saturday night in the City West Hotel.

People of the Year Awards: The people of Monaghan will for the 27th year have the opportunity to honour people who, in their own way, have made a real difference and enhanced the lives of other, whether a family member or someone in your local community. So, if you know someone who has acted above or beyond the call of duty, someone whose success has inspired a generation, someone who has made an extraordinary contribution to their community, someone whose courage and achievement has changed our society for the better, then why not nominate them for People of the Year Award. Forms can be found in the Northern Standard. The Monaghan People of the Year Awards will be held in the Hillgrove Hotel on Friday 9th December. For tickets and enquiries please contact Mary on (086)0432428.

Entertainment: Saturday 12th November hosts a Karaoke Night – special guests on the night include the one and only Simon Cowell. With so many promising stars around the parish, it’s sure to be a successful night!

Events: Irish Dancing continues every Wednesday night from 6-7.30pm. Social Dancing, every Monday night from 9-11pm. Bowls, every Tuesday from 9-11pm. Everyone welcome. Pilates takes place on Tuesday nights at 6pm and Mumba classes at 7pm.

Congratulations: To Siobhan and Gareth McKenna on the birth of their baby boy.

Sympathy: We wish to express of sympathy to the Finnegan and Kavanagh Families on the death of Joan Kavanagh.

By michael Tue 8th Nov

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