Truagh Notes

By michael Tue 22nd Nov

Lotto Jackpot now €2000: There was no winners of last weeks jackpot. The numbers were: 12, 13, 20, 23. There were no match 3’s either with 4 no. lucky dips of €50 going to: Dee O’Donaghue, Deirdre Coyle, Olivia McKenna-Carrickroe (Yearly Ticket) & Jackie McMeel (YT). Check team next week: Anna Rose’s.

Well Done: to our referees, Damian Helferty & Gerard Treanor, who officiated 2 major finals this year. Damian was the man in the middle for last Sunday’s JFL final, while Gerard was called on duty for last month’s SFC final.

Club Shop: The club shop is now open each Friday evening between 7-8pm.

Christmas Party Night: is being held on Sat 17th Dec. Dinner served with Christmas draw, and dancing to late with ‘Rico’s Groove’. For booking contact 0861991150. Booking is essential, please book early as limited places available.

New Years Eve Party: Ring in the new year amongst family and friends in St Mellans. Food served and dancing to late to music by ‘Renegade’.

AGM: is to be held on Friday 16th December. Correspondence is to be sent out to members regarding it in the coming weeks.

Truagh/Donagh Defib Group: would like to thank everyone who attended their recent CPR/AED Training Day and who supported the church gate collection last weekend. The funding will go towards the up-keep of Defibrillators within both Parishes eg, Pads & Batteries. Your support is greatly appreciated.


Juveniles: There will be no juvenile training until further notice.
Congratulations: to Lorraine and Kevin who tied the knot last Saturday. We hope you had a great day.
Seniors: Our senior panel is looking a bit depleted for 2012. If anyone is interested in joining our team please contact the camogie phone on 086 3073200. Its a great way to keep fit and to socialise with others.  We would love to have you on board.

Ladies Football:


So Close: To Caoimhe Mohan – Such a great achievement to receive a nomination for Ulster Writers young player of the year. Well done to Threse Mc Nally (Emyvale) who received this award on Friday last in Bundoran .

Good Luck: To our minor team & management this Sunday when they take on Donaghmoyne in the final of this competition. Although there has been no confirmed venue/ time, we hope as many people as possible will come out and support the girls. Please contact any committee member from Thursday onwards & they will know where game is taking place.



County Championships Training. After this weekend we have only one week left until the championships so it is vital all players get into the alleys as much as possible, the weekend training for the championships are still on going Saturday and Sunday evenings, U12’s Sat 4pm, U13’s Sat, U15’s Sunday 5pm, U16’s Sunday 6pm and girls Sunday at 7pm both alleys are block booked for this, the U14’s are having theirs on Saturday mornings at 11am as per your coaches, we also ask parents to help the young players to get some midweek practise in if possible.

Mono Team League. We have recruited in some old but familiar faces into the league its always good to see some of the more mature players returning to the maple, remember play all games as per fixtures and leave the alleys free for other games that may be needed for practise or just leisure games, Thank you.

County Championships Times. The times and venues for the championships are as follows, U12 & U13’s in St.Mellans, U14 & U15’s are in The Harps, U16 & U17’s are in Bawn and all girls games are in Tydavnet all are on the 4th of December with the finals the follow weekend the 11th in St.Mellans, all games start at 10:30am.

Juveniles. All coaching is still on going as per normal for all juveniles even for the players in the county championships but we ask the young players to book the alley in their own times and get more practise in the more you put in the more you will get out.

Membership. Hopefully all membership has been be paid to Frank now if not please do asap, and coaches ask all juvenile on your coloured team if they have paid or not and when they pay make sure to write their name in on the sheets in the cabinet under their year of birth and give all monies to Frank.

Shop. Balls senior and juvenile are both 7 Euros, goggles available at 10 Euros, jerseys also in stock in the shop, the shop will be open Friday evenings 7-8pm or see Cormac during the week.

By michael Tue 22nd Nov

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