Truagh Notes

By michael Tue 15th Nov

Lotto Jackpot now €1800: There was no winners of last weeks jackpot. The numbers were: 2, 10, 11, 15. There were 4 match 3 winners, each receiving €50: Ryan O’Neill-Monaghan, John McAnespie-Aughnacloy, Charlie McKenna-Deravoy, Laura Morrison. Check team next week: Ursula’s.

Bon Voyage: To senior player Niall ‘Joe’ McMeel on his travels down under.

Club Shop: The club shop is now open each Friday evening between 7-8pm.

Truagh/Donagh Defib Group: Would you like to be able to save a life? CPR/AED training courses coming up in your locality in the next few weeks. If interested please text your name to 0863438702


Juveniles: There will be no juvenile training until further notice.
Good luck: We would like to wish Lorraine and Kevin the best of luck as they get married on Saturday. We hope you have a great day and a very happy future together.
Seniors: Our senior panel is looking a bit depleted for 2012. If anyone is interested in joining our team please contact the camogie phone on 086 3073200. Its a great way to keep fit and to socialise with others.  We would love to have you on board.
Ladies Football:


Congrats: A huge congrats to the four Monaghan girls who received All-Stars in The City West on saturday last. Hard luck to Caoimhe Mohan who missed out but you’ve done your club & county very proud & well done on receiving the nomination.

Minor Final: To be played on Sunday 27th November .  Venue to be confirmed .



Ulster Club. The Ulster Club “B” Team we beaten this year in there second round, after defeating Clan Eirinn last Wednesday in Lurgan the boys faced a strong Kingscourt team in Armagh but with the last Kingscourt player only needing 11 points it was a mountain to high for Eamon, but well done boys. The team on both nights was Christopher Mc Kenna(PJ), Fergal O’ Neill, Ian Treanor and Eamon Todd.

Mono Team League. Even though we have switched the nights around to help accommodate players there still are several players playing their games outside the allocated times. Even though the games are being played these players are taking up alley time that other especially our younger players want to play in while the alleys lie empty in block booked times for the league, this must stop immediately and all games played on the night and we ask all captains to address this problem.   

County Championships Training. The weekend training for the Juvenile championships are on going Saturday and Sunday evenings, U12’s Sat 4pm, U13’s Sat 5pm, U14’s Sat 6pm, U15’s Sunday 5pm, U16’s Sunday 6pm and girls Sunday at 7pm both alleys are block booked for this, over the U12’s are Christopher Mc Kenna(PJ), U13 Eamon Todd, U14 Michael Mc Carron, U15 Peadar Mc Cluskey, U16 John Treanor and over the girls Declan Mc Kenna, we also ask parents to help the young players to get some midweek practise in if possible.

County Championships Times. The times and venues for the championships are as follows, U12 & U13’s in St.Mellans, U14 & U15’s are in The Harps, U16 & U17’s are in Bawn and all girls games are in Tydavnet all are on the 4th of December with the finals the follow weekend the 11th in St.Mellans, all games start at 10:30am.

Juveniles. All coaching is still on going as per normal for all juveniles even for the players in the county championships but we ask the young players to book the alley in their own times and get more practise in the more you put in the more you will get out.

Membership. All membership must be paid by Sunday the 20th of November, all adults must pay Frank only and all coaches must ask each juvenile on their coloured team if they have paid or not and when they pay make sure to write their name in on the sheets in the cabinet under their year of birth and give all monies to Frank.

Shop. Balls senior and juvenile are both 7 Euros, goggles available at 10 Euros, jerseys also in stock in the shop, the shop will be open Friday evenings 7-8pm or see Cormac during the week.

By michael Tue 15th Nov

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