Truagh Notes

By michael Tue 1st Nov

Reserve Div. 1 (B’s) Final Action: This Sunday we take on Scotstown in the reserve league final in Tyholland at 2pm. All support would be appreciated for our final match of the year.

Strictly Come Dancing: We held a very successful strictly come dancing final night in the Hillgrove hotel last Friday. After 10 weeks of training and fund raising the 28 dancers provided a brilliant night of entertainment to over 1000 in attendance. The strictly dancing winners were Benny O’Hanlon and Geraldine McAnenly. MC on the night was Fr. John Skinnader who followed the dancers throughout the training and suitably entertained all on the night. Special thanks to the dancers and their back room teams for their huge efforts over the last 10 weeks. We wish to also express our thanks to the sponsors and supporters of the night. Also thanks to Peader McMahon who captured on his lens the whole campaign seen by many through his popular website Lavery video provided the fantastic video productions during the show which sealed the visual success on the night. The club are grateful to the work of the sub-committee involved and all who contributed to the successful night.

Lost: A Canon camera was lost at the Strictly Night in the Hillgrove. Anyone who found it please contact Barry on 0877556861.

Lotto Jackpot now €1400: There was no winners of last weeks jackpot of €1,200. The numbers were: 12, 13, 18, 24. There were 4 match 3 winners, each receiving €50: Macky Treanor (M), Rose Donnelly c/o F B, Sinead McLoughlin & Seamus McKenna (Yearly ticket). Last week’s match 3s winners were misprinted. They should have read Maretta Sherry & Aidan McKeon. Next week’s jackpot is €1400. Check team: Josie’s team.

Club Shop: The club shop is now open each Friday evening between 7-8pm.

Truagh/Donagh Defib Group: Would you like to be able to save a life? CPR/AED training courses coming up in your locality in the next few weeks. If interested please text your name to 0863438702

Ladies Football:

A decade of sport 2000-2010: We launched a book composed by our very own Margaret Treanor. Inside this you will find match reports, team line outs, pictures and all the momentous moments over the last 10 years. This is available from any of our committee members at €10.


Minors: Play Donaghmoyne in the final. Date yet to be confirmed.





Shop: We have handball jerseys now in stock in the club shop, adult and juvenile, also polo shirts adult only. Handballs and goggles are also now in stock.

Found: A watch has been found on the viewing area of the glass alley a short while back. Anybody that lost it can contact any member of the committee for it.

Mono Team League. The team league has its first week completed. Thursday night games have now been switched to Friday by many players.  All other rules still apply for the Mono league, all scores must be kept and points written into the score board at each alley. ALL GAMES FINISHED EACH NIGHT.

Juveniles: We encourage all juveniles to get as much practise in as possible outside your coaching times. With the county championships before Christmas, its vital you all get into the alley as much as possible. All weekend practise that juveniles are asked that they must be supervised by an adult.

By michael Tue 1st Nov

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