Scotstown Notes

By michael Tue 15th Nov

AGM: Keep Free the 25th of November for the Agm will be held in the Sports Complex at 8pm Sharp. Nominations and motions will be out this week, study them and come along on the night and add your experience to the night’s proceedings.

Football: The season finally came to an end last weekend when our Under 16 team were beaten in the semi-final of the Paul Mc Girr tournament in Dromore by Rostrevor.
Coaching: Monaghan Coaching & Games Development committee is delighted to inform you of and to invite you to Monaghan GAA Football Coaching Conference on Sat 26th November from 9 30am to 2 30pm  in St Macartan’s College Monaghan. The conference objective is to provide quality information and innovative methods of delivery, for coaches working with players from 6 to 16 years of age. Contact Paul O Connor 087/8374827 or John Meehan 087/9081867.

To our esteemed treasurer Matt Mc Crudden who celebrated his 70th birthday this week in the age old fashion with a few pints of the black stuff.
Complex Booking: The Sports Complex is now available for any type of events. The Gym is available for any sporting activity. It is important that you book the complex in advance or check that the facilities are available. Authur King is our contact person to arrange to arrange booking of the facilities and his mobile number is (086) 8516944
Scor: The semi-finals of Scor Na Nog take place next weekend the 19th and 20th November. We don’t know yet the venue or the date we are participating. Once again the club is indebted to Mackie and Pauline Rooney for their work in Scor over many years.
 Bar Rota: Kevin Boylan and  Sean Mc Kenna.
Shop: Killmore shop is closed until further notice. 
Senior League: The senior ladies play in the league final this Friday the 18th of Novemember at 7pm, the venue has yet to be decided so keep in contact with committee members, players and management if you wish to attend this match. It is a great achievement for the girls to reach the final as this is their first year in division two, please come out and show your support on Friday night. Good Luck to Declan, Eamon and the girls.
Fit For All: A keep fit class takes place for both ladies and men in Tydavnet Community Centre every Monday and Thursday night at 8pm. The class includes a wide variety of different fitness techniques including circuits. The first class is free when you attend, give this a try and see how you can loose calories before Christmas, just 6 weeks to go.
By michael Tue 15th Nov

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