Primary School Indoor Hurling League

By michael Wed 30th Nov


During the month of November primary schools in Monaghan participated in an Indoor Hurling League in the Phoenix Centre, Carrickmacross. There was a good turnout for the league with 9 primary schools participating and over 130 young players given the opportunity to play. The games were 5-a-side, with 3 subs and consisted of two 5 minute halves. The league is not only designed to increase participation in hurling events but also to increase skill levels amongst 5th and 6th class pupils.

The small sided games proved to be a great way for players to speed up their striking, hooking, blocking, decision making and team play. This was highlighted throughout the league with some closely contested and exciting games taking place over the three weeks. As a prize for taking part in the league each school was presented with a box of sliothars. A special word of thanks to all the principals, teachers, players, volunteers and Development Officers who attended each week and made the indoor league a huge success.

The schools who participated included: Carrickmacross BNS, Mullaghrafferty, Broomfield, Blackstaff, Latton, Castleblayney BNS, Loughmourne, Corduff, & Gaelscoil Rois.   

By michael Wed 30th Nov


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