CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website

Currin Notes

November 15th, 2011

Message body


Sons of St patrick G.F.C. Numbers drawn  3  5  17  26  Jackpot Winner: NONE. Next Week’s Jackpot €4,400. €15 Prizewinners: Mary McCabe  Scotshouse, Vincent O’Brien C/O Anne McAviney, Helen Fitzpatrick Ture, Eoin Marron Scotshouse, Margaret McManus  Hermitage N.T.B. Kate McCaul  Aughnaskew, Majella McKiernan Dunsrim, Geraldine Clerkin Scotshouse, Phil Flynn Cara Street, Francis North Scotshouse.

Currin 125 Celebration Night: The 125 Committee are delighted to announce that this event is sold out.  A huge thank you to you all who have supported the event either by attending, sponsoring or advertising.
A bus will run to and from the event leaving Scotshouse at 6.00pm sharp.  To book, please put your name down in Connolly’s Bar, the shop or with Marie North.
The limited edition Currin 125 tie is now for sale in Connolly’s shop at €15.  We hope to have as many gents as possible adorned with them as this will greatly enhance the quality of the photos on the night.  Could all members of the 1968, 1972, 2004, 2009 and the present team make a special effort to be at the Kilmore on time at 7.00pm as team photos will be arranged during the drinks reception before the meal.  Our photographer, Seamus McQuillan will be on hand for family photos etc throughout the night.  2 more sleeps.



Dancing:  Every Monday 9.00  to 11.00pm in the Scotshouse Community Centre. New members always welcome.

Bingo: Every Tuesday 9.00pm in the Scotshouse Community Centre.  Support is welcome.

Music:  Pat McCabe is to be found in the Scotshaouse Community Centre on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm

Basketball:  Sinead is starting Basketball Training . It is Boys under 13 on Fridays and Boys Under 16 on Friday 8.00pm to 9.00pm.

Open evening at Monaghan Institute, Armagh Road, Monaghan on Thursday 24th November 4.00 – 7.30pm.  Staff available to give information on full time courses for September 2012.  All Welcome.

Do This in Memory: Next Sunday we celebrate the Do This in Memory programme at 10.00am Mass.  At the back of the Church there will be a list of the names of the six children preparing for First Holy Communion this year. You are invited to take a copy and to pray for the children over the coming months as they prepare to receive the Eucharist for the first time.

The Community Alert group wish to thank those who were unable to attend the fundraiser event on the 30th October, but who have since given us another €40 to bring our total to €1588.40

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