Opportunities to move into Higher Education ‘FREE’

By michael Thu 13th Oct

A Chairde
For anyone that is interested please check out the following offers from Open University: You may know someone who is unemployed or who is on a low income and this is an opportunity to retrain or take a further qualifications FREE….
Re: Opportunities to move into Higher Education ‘FREE’

The OU are in a position to offer 200 places FREE on the ‘Openings’ modules (NI only) valued at £199 each – which cover Law, Management, Psychology, Health, etc etc.  The finance for the 200 places has been provided by a Sponsor (specifically for those on low wage, benefits, or live in a disadvantages area).

If earning up to £16,500 (or possible a comined earning under £30k in a househol) still could be FREE study.

Please let club members know about this OPPORTUNITY…..

Communications Team – it may be possible to put this good news story in our news letter and perhaps a link on our website… worthy of discussion at the next merting!
* * * * * * * *
Short accredited courses to build your confidence and work towards a Degree – Sport, Health, Management, Psychology etc.,

·       20 week short accredited courses (10-15 cats points)
·       no exams, designed for people who haven’t studied for a long time or have no

·       Build your confidence
·       use the points towards a Degree
·       Develop your study skills

‘Free’ places available if you are from a *disadvantaged community  *unemployed or *low waged.

‘Openings’ courses are a gentle first step into Higher Education designed with you in mind
All materials are delivered to your door, you will have a personal tutor to provide one-to-one telephone support and feedback

For information:  www.openuniversity.co.uk/openings – click choose your subject or phone 02890 323722

Check out other OU undergraduate programmes www.open.ac.uk
* * * * *

OPEN University Degree Programmes in Sport and Fitnesds with Coaching and Sport and Fitness with Exercise Instruction… check the website.


Dr. Eugene Young
Director of Coaching and Games Development
Ulster GAA, Ceannarás Uladh, 8-10 Market Street, Armagh,      BT61 7BX                                                                                     Email: eugene.young.ulster@gaa.ie mobile: 07736349749

Eoghan de Suin
CLG Uladh, Ceannarás Uladh, 8-10 Sráid an Mhargaidh,              Ard Mhacha, BT61 7BX

By michael Thu 13th Oct

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