The Irish News Ulster GAA Club & Volunteer Conference 2011

By michael Sat 17th Sep

The Irish News Ulster GAA Club & Volunteer Conference 2011

A Chara,

The fifth Irish News Ulster GAA Club & Volunteer Conference will be held on Saturday 29th October in the Armagh City Hotel. This is Ulster GAA’s flagship non-games event which is focused at supporting club, volunteer and community development right across Ulster’s nine Counties. The Ulster Council supports over 250,000 volunteers working in 580 constituent GAA clubs and approximately 600 constituent educational units across the Province.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Enhancing the GAA Community in Challenging Times” and it will provide club volunteers with an opportunity to hear from some of Ulster’s Greatest GAA enthusiasts and will also provide a platform for club volunteers to air their views.

The conference has undergone a make-over this year to provide club volunteers with the best-ever package including: conference entry, conference pack, specially commissioned gift, refreshments throughout the day and a full lunch for only £15 per delegate.

Clubs are urged to register early with the first 100 paid up registrations eligible for 5 delegates for the price of 4: That’s a carload of club delegates for £60.

Ulster GAA have also shortened the day for delegates with the conference starting with registration between 8:45am to 9:30am and the closing Key note Speakers and a lunch at 2pm.

There will be two sets of workshops covering:

  • Enhancing your Place – Club Planning, Community Enhancement and Club Maith
  • Securing Sponsorship, Marketing and Fund raising in Recessionary Times
  • CASC, VAT and keeping the books. Saving by good accounting in the GAA Club
  • Recruiting, Retaining, Valuing volunteers at club level

Also in attendance will be representatives of government funding departments and local business.

Finally attendance of the Club officials at this event is a requirement of the Club Maith (Club Mark) Accreditation which is now a requirement for all future GAA funding and Sport NI funding.

For more information or to book places on the conference, please email or Tel: Bernie Fox on (028) 3752 1900.

Le Meas

Ryan Feeney

Head of Community Development- Ulster Council GAA

By michael Sat 17th Sep

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