Currin Notes

By michael Tue 9th Aug


Missing from Scotshouse area: A nine year old Male Pom dog – blonde in colour – Name of RICKY – Reward Offered.  Call : 0861016781  or 0876311341  Please help if you can, he is greatly missed.

Temple Street Children’s Hospital – Dublin:  There will be a Cake Sale after Mass on Sunday in Scotshouse – Ladies please get baking.  Also Gary Boylan is to ride 80K in a sponsored Cycle ride. Please give generously to both if you can.

Mass Rock:  Annual Mass at Corconnolly Mass Rock will be on Monday 15th August at 7.00pm

Blessing of the Graves:  In Scotshouse on Sunday 11th September after 10.00am Mass and in Corrinshigo at 12 noon.

Feast of the Assumption Monday 15th August: you are asked to offer up your Mass for the Church in Ireland.

Baptism:  Congratulations to Martina and Gareth and welcome to Robyn Leigh Beattie who was Baptised last week.

Eucharistic Adoration: Each Wednesday after 10.00am Mass until 11.30am and again from 7.00pm to 10.00pm.  Why not decide to make a little time in the week to came to the church for Adoration..

Church of Ireland: Holiday Club for children aged 5 – 12 years old.  On Tuesday 23rd to Friday 26th of August 2011  10.00 am to 12.30 pm  At Killyfargue Hall and grounds, Scotshouse.  Cost €5. per child.  The club will conclude by participating in the service in Currin on Sunday 29th August at 10.00am  Registration and Consent form essential.  For more information contact Ms Audrey Doogan tel – 047-56229  or Canon Helene T Steed tel – 047-56962

Holiday Activity Group: for pre school children in the company of an adult in Killyfargue Hall, Scotshouse.  We meet on the following Mondays in August: 8th, 15th, and 22nd  between 10.00am and 12 noon.  This activity will be run as a toddlers group with a Bible theme.

Church of Ireland New Bishop:  The Revd John McDowell will bve Consecrated Bishop at a service with Holy Communion in St Macartin’s Cathedral, Enniskillen on Friday 23rd September 2011 at 7.00pm.  Bishop McDowell will subsequently be enthroned in St Macartan’s Cathedral Clogher, the ancient seat of the Bishop of Clogher, at a service of Evensong on 2nd October at 4.00pm.  Also he will be enthroned at a special youth service in St Marcartin’s Cathedral, Enniskillen on Sunday 16th October 2011 at 4.00pm.  Every one welcome to these services.

Scotshouse Community Fundraiser: The soccer season returns this Saturday after the summer lay off, so it’s time to invite people to have a go at our second Fantasy Football League to raise funds for local good causes, whether it be the school, tidy towns, Chapel,etc. Last year we raised €320 which winner Donal Quigley donated to St Endas ( no surprises there as he is a teacher himself!) Hopefully we will have more than 16 managers this year so if you would like to try your skills at managing your own on-line football team then text your name and e-mail address to 086 8261364 before 9.30 am this Saturday 13th August. The entry fee is €20. For players who played last year, just go to where you will be allowed to re-join the league.


Sons of St Patrick G.F.C. Weekly Lotto Draw: Numbers Drawn:  9  18  20  24  Jackpot Winner : None €15 Prizewinners: Tommy Carey Scotshouse, Daniel McKenna Scotshouse, Hilary West Aghadrumsee, Roslea,Angela Corr  Kilmainham  Ballinagh, Jonathon McPhillips Drumully, Lily McMahon Cloncorick, Angela McCaffrey Clonlura, Vera Murphy Scotshouse, Frank Burke Burke Scotshouse, Tony McGorman Aghabog.

Eire Og Smithboro: The club is holding the official opening of there new playing facility and complex on Sunday 14th August 2011.  Pauric Duffy, Director General of the GAA is performing the official opening.  This is a very historic occasion for the club.  Many years of planning and thousands of hours of voluntary work have gone into reaching this important day.  All our members are given an open invitation to join them on this day.

Monaghan Official Year Book 2011 : All clubs are asked to give interviews, articles, photographs etc only to the OFFICIAL Year Book. Also ask local potential advertisers of this project so that funds raised are retained in Monaghan GAA.  John Kieran is the Chairman of the OFFICIAL Year Book Committee.  He is the maion contact person for this project andcan be contacted at 087-2545976.

Game against Rockcorry on Sunday: A great start, Stephen Smith scoring a goal in the first minute, followed by a point, then a goal and another point in the first ten minutes.A good team effort from all.Rockcorry got their first point after seventeen minutes.  The first half was dominated by Currin, at half time the score being 2-6 to 0-4.  The second half was a different story, the visitors woke up and scored three points in the first five minutes, Currin were slow to control the game and payed the price.  Rockcorry scoring eight points to Currins five in the second half. Five minutes from the end three points separated the teams, fortunately Philip O’Calaghan and Stephan Smith getting a late point each. The final score was 2-11 to 0-12.  Once again Jack McCarron played a Great game.  The team: Fergal Connolly, Stephen Beattie, Conor McCaffrey, Enda McCaffrey, Cieran McCaffrey, Michael Quigley, Shane O’Connor, Francis O’Callaghan, Dick Clerkin, Ben Clerkin, Jack McCarron, Stephen Smyth, Gareth Beattie, CieranKierans, Phillip O’Callaghan. Shane O’Copnnor came on in the second half.  Scorers: Stephen Smyth one goal four points, Cieran Kierans one goal one point, Jack McCarron three points, Phillip O’Callaghan two points, Ciaran McCaffrey one point,

Championship:  Against Tyholland at Scotshouse on Saturday, throw in 17.45  Currin has beaten them once this season, they can do it again but the support will help.

By michael Tue 9th Aug

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