Currin Notes

By michael Wed 3rd Aug


Sons of St Patrick G.F.C. Weekly Lotto Draw, Numbers Drawn:  2  5  17  22 Jackpot Winner: None.  Next Weeks Jackpot €2,900.  €15  Prizewinners:  Veronica Christian Connons, Ned Lennon  Lattton,  Oliver Rafferty Scotshouse, Bernie McCaul Knox,  Rose Corr  Cavan,  Emma+Norah+Carla Rafferty Scotshouse, Peter McKernan Leggykelly,  Joleen Carey  Scotshouse,  Jason Fawcett Scotshouse, Geraldine McDonald  Knox.

GAA Notice:
Summer Camp targeting 13 to 15 years olds is postponed due to lack of numbers. It is hoped that this camp would go a head at Halloween.

Club Fixtures: ( These dates and start times may alter )
Championship: Saturday 13th  V Tyholland  17.45 at Scotstown.  Division 4: Wednesday 17th V Fergal O’Hanlons 19.30 Home game.  Intermediate: Friday 19th V Drumhaven 19.30 Away.  Division 4: Wednesday 24th  V Killanny  19.00  Away.  Intermediate:  Wednesday 24th V Sean McDermotts  19.30 Away. Division 4: Friday 26th  V Toome  19.15  Away.  Intermediate:  Sunday 4th V Carrickmacross 12.30 At Home.

Killeevan Ladies Football Club:  Clothes, Shoes and Curtains collection – this will help to generate much needed funds for your local ladies club.  Collection/Drop off point is Killeevan Sarsfield Club rooms on Saturday 13th August 10.00am to 5.opm and Sunday 14th August 10.00am to 5.00pm.


Notes for Around the Villages  4th August 2011


Cemetery Sunday : The annual blessing of the graves will take place on Sunday 11th September in Scotshouse after 10.00am Mass and in Corrinshigo at 12 Noon.

The Annual Mass at Corconnolly Mass Rock will be on Monday 15th August.

Annual Acorn Community Festival Weekend : Friday 5th to 7th August.  Friday – Fancy Dress Parade in Newbliss followed by Festival Queen Contest.  Saturday Fishing – Pet show 4k Run and walk followed by talent contest – That night a family quiz night in the Acorn Centre, starting at 9 pm. Sunday – Vintage run – Sports at 2.00pm Scan Bitz Golf Ball Run at 7.00pm.

Cake Sale: On Sunday 14th August after Mass in Scotshouse for Temple St Children’s Hospital.

President Mary McAleese is due to visit Clones on Saturday 10th September for the Annual Commemoration of the famine.  There will be a week of events leading up to that day so watch out for further details.

Scotshouse ICA Guild: Well done to Scotshouse ICA Guild who entered the ICA Guild Skills of the year Competition at the Virginia Show Last Saturday.  They received a Rosette for being placed 5th overall.  Congratulations to our friends of Aghabog Guild who won the overall display category and who came 1st overall.  Also congratulations to Rockcorry Guild who took 1st place for the Art & Craft section and who were placed 2nd overall.

Going to College:  Clones Library will host a going to College information evening on Monday the 8th Aug. from 6.30pm to 8pm.  Monaghan Youth information service will be available to provide information on topics i.e Finding accommodation, costs, student finances, leaving cert dates and CAO dates.  The service is free and confidential.  Students and Parents are welcome.

Monaghan Charismatic Prayer Group: Announces An evening of healing with Eddie Stones Friday 5th Aug. at 7.00pm.  Venue – St. Louis Convent Chapel Monaghan.  All welcome.  More information

Looking for something different this Summer?  Lough Derg Youth three day Pilgrimage; Friday 5th August to Sunday 7th Aug.

Keep Saturday August 20th Free – Sponsored Walk and Barbecue at Greenan’s School.

Athletics:  Training on Wednesday. Assemble at Killeevan School.

Tidy Towns:  Our village is looking good, lets keep it that way – why not help if you can.

By michael Wed 3rd Aug

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