Tyholland Notes

By michael Tue 26th Jul

Slotto: We had no winners at the weekend. Lucky Dip Winners were Laura McQuillan, Jack & Rachel Wilson, Brendan McGuigan and Gene Gillespie. This weeks jackpot is €12,500.

Results: The Minors were defeated in the first round of the championship losing to Latton. U12’s lost out to Emerald Sarsfields while the U16’s defeated St Patricks.

Fixtures: Seniors have drawn Currin in the next round of the championship. The Minors are home to Killanny next Tuesday.

Juveniles: U16s are at home to Aughnamullen tonight at 7pm. U10s/U8s training continues every Friday evening at 6pm.

Sports Quiz: Our clubs juvenile boys and girls teams have organised a Sports Quiz Fundraiser for Monday 1st August. This is a chance to raise some much needed funds for our juvenile teams in order to further develop our players and equipment. It is understood that every family should be represented on the night, along with senior players and members of the club and folk from the community. Entry fee is €40 per table and kick off is 7pm. There will be a raffle on the night with numerous prizes. Fun for all the family!

Summer Festival: Keep free 11th – 14th August for what has now become our Annual Festival and sure to be the highlight of the summer! It kicks off with ‘Cards Night’ on the Thursday, Friday night is the ‘Dart’s Tournament’, Saturday will be the famous ‘Mr and Mrs’ and Sunday we have our ‘Family Sport’s Day’. So make sure to come along to all these fun filled events and join in the craic and banter!

Monaghan VHI Cul Camps: All camps cater for 5-13 year olds, boys and girls. Cost €55 for 1st child in family, €50 for 2nd child and €35 for 3rd child. €30 if a child wishes to attend a 2nd camp. Places are available on all camps. Register online: www.gaa.ie or for further information contact games development manager, Paul O’Connor 086-8374827 or developmentmanager.monaghan@gaa.ie.

Congratulations: To Brenda and Paul McCormack on the birth of their baby girl Cara.

Sincere Sympathy: The club wish to extend its sympathy to the Family of former team mentor Pat Clarke who passed away recently.

Weekly Events: Irish Dancing Classes continue every Wednesday from 6pm-7.30pm. Ceilí Dancing classes continue every Wednesday evening from 7.30pm – 9pm. Everyone welcome.

Weekly notes: Anyone wishing to contribute to club notes please contact Alan Farrelly 086 3850435.

By michael Tue 26th Jul

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