Currin notes

By michael Mon 18th Jul


Sons of St Patrick  G.F.C. Weekly Lotto Draw: Numbers drawn 6  12  25  27 Jackpot Winner None. Next Weeks Jackpot €2,700. €15. Prizewinners: Katie McGuirk Connons, Joe Freeman  Drum, Andrew Brady Cara St. Clones, John Corr  Kilmainham Ballinagh, Anne McAvinney  Scotshouse, Padraic Fay C/O Eileen  Knox, Eoin Marron  Scotshouse, Joey Kelly  Aghabog, Deirdre Quigley  Scotshouse, Bridie McPhillips Scotshouse.

GAA Cuil Camps: These take place in Clones GAA Grounds Next Week.  A great week of fun and skills for boys and girls.  Spaces are available.

Aghabog Ladies:  (Which includes 7 first team players from Currin) recorded a great win over Scotstown in the Intermediate Championship 2.10 to 1.11.  This is a very young Aghabog side who are re building and great to see Currin players to the fore.  From Currin are Niamh Connolly; Orla King; Laura & Rachel Boylan; Flavia & Fabianna O’Callaghan; Ellen McCarron.  See match report in Ladies Section.

Championship: The game against Aughnamullen is to be played this Friday 22nd July at Emyvale, Throw in at 7.30pm.

Charity 5 Mile Fun Run/Walk:  “The Ned Run”. Scotstown GAA are organising this day in memory of two members who died last year.  The entry fee is €10 per person and all proceeds go to the Irish Heart Foundation & Monaghan Hospice Home Care – two very worthwhile causes.  The race is on Saturday 6th August 2011.  A number of novelty competitions within the run, one of which is the “Fastest GAA Club”. Runners representing a club should wear club colours if at all possible.  Registration for the run is midday on Saturday 6th August in the sports complex at Scotstown.  The start time is 4.30pm

Message from the G.A.A.:  On the 25/06/11 at Approx 16.35 a fatal road traffic collision involving two vehicles occured on the N52(Mullingar to Tullamore Road) at Belevdere House and Gardens, Mullingar, Co. Westmeatth.  Anybody who was travelling along this road or has any information in relation to this collision could they please contact Garda John Doyle at Mullingar Garda Station on 044-938 4000.

Rockcorry GAA Festival Weekend:  Saturday 23rd / Sunday 24th July. Fancy Dress Football Match,Treasure Hunt, Music and BBQ, Sunday Vintage Hay Festival at Dartrey Sports |Field.


Parish Bulletin:  Trocaire Appeal -I am sure you are aware that there are millions of people in East Africa who are at serious risk, over half of them children.  Trocaire has been working for a number of years to help these people, but the area has had no rain for two years. The situation is steadily worsening. In response, a collection will be taken up at Mass after Communion next Weekend. Please be as generous as you always are.

The Parish were delighted to see Fr Cahill back at Mass last Sunday.

PLC Courses at Monaghan Institute: Applications are invited for vacancies across a range of full time courses, including: liberal Arts,Engineering, Construction Studies, Youthwork etc. For details contact 047-84900 or

Annual Acorn Community Festival Weekend:  5th to 7th August.  Keep the weekend free. Friday sees the start of the festival weekend with The Fancy Dress Parade in Newbliss folled by Festival Queen Contest.  Finishes with the Scan Bitz Golf Run at 7.00pm Sunday evening. The Committee will be out selling Golf Balls at €5. each during the week.

FISHING COMPETITION: Best of Luck to Rory McAvinney who will be representing Ireland on 27th July 2011 on the “Youth International Fly Fishing” Competition on “Lake of Menteith” in Scotland.
This is Rory’s second year to represent his country at this level. He is also the only “Ulster” representative on the team. We wish Rory the Best of Luck from – Scotshouse Community.

By michael Mon 18th Jul

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