Ballybay Notes

By michael Tue 12th Jul

Seniors: Training Continues every Tues and Fri night .All players to attend. The senior team won their game against Truagh away on Saturday , Maintaining their lead at the top of the league table by a slim margin. .Sponsored by Drumlin group Credit Unions
St Pats Minors, The minors drew their game played against Monaghan Harps Tues last, 1 st round of  Championship against
Clontibret on 19th july.
Intermediate Double Championship. A double header is being held at Pearse Park on Saturday, Stewarts and helpers needed from 4-45 Please
Scrap Saturday Scrap can still be donated to Toners Yard.
GAA Cul Camps. The cul camps are being held in Ballybay from 18th to 22nd July for ages 6-13 year olds and all over the county for the month of July. For further details conact Paul O’Connor (games Development Manager) 086 8374827
G A A Super Camp
. Learn new skills at a Super Camp for 13-15 year olds, boys and girls on Aug 2-4 2011
Venue; St Macartans College Monaghan
Inver College Carrickmacross
Time; 10 – 3-30
Cost   45 euro
Contact; Paul O’ Connor 0868374827

Bingo Bingo Continues every Tuesday night at 9pm in the centre
Astro Turf Contact  Brendan Macklin 0876766283 to rent astro turf.
Club notes
Any one who wishes to include in Ballybay notes ,please contact Claudine Wylie 087-6865103
By michael Tue 12th Jul

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