Currin notes

By michael Tue 28th Jun


Sons of St Patrick G.F.C. Weekly Lotto Draw: Numbers drawn: 13  16  17  27 Jackpot Winner: None.  €15 Prizewinners:  Mattie Maguire  Connons, Pat Mullan Newbliss, Betty Freeman Drum, John Clerkin  C/O Roger Carey, Paul Reilly C/O Aiden Rudden, Tony Fitzpatrick C/O Roger Carey, Jonny McGeough Roslea, Bridget Boylan Scotshouse, Brian McCabe Cloncorrick Newtownbutler, Sean McDonald Lisnaskea.

Currin Intermediate Team:  Friday 1st July –  Against Tyholland – Away. Throw In 8.00pm



Bingo:  Every Tuesday 9.00pm in the Scotshouse Community Centre. Why not come along.

Sympathy to Paddy Boylan and Frances Conaghan whose sister Veronica Leonard died in England last week.Pray for her and the family circle. May she rest in Peace.

Pray for Patsy Brady, Dunsrim and Glasgow, buried in Scotshouse on Wednesday. Sister of Rita Brady Dunsrim. May he rest in Peace.

What differences can we expect at Mass from September 2011?  From September, congregations will begin to pray the new translations of the people’s prayers at Mass.  These new texts will be on missalettes and on specially produced Congregational card’s and will assist us in becoming more familiar with the new edition.

Introducing the New Missal – You may wish to view the brief vedio and further explanations which are now available on  Related topics on the new edition of the Roman Missal are also on

Greenan’s Cross School:  Keep free Saturday August 20th for Sponsored Walk and Barbeque at the school.

I.C.A. Outing report: Nineteen ICA members enjoyed their annual summer outing last Saturday.  The group travelled to Newbridge Visitor Centre, home to one of the most unique visitor experiences in Ireland and were dazzled by the range of silverware and other goods for sale.  After breakfast in the Silver Restaurant we then had time to tour the Museum of Style Icons, where we saw clothes and accessories worn by the famous including Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Michael Jackson and Liza Minelli.  From there we headed to Blanchardstown for the joy of retail therapy.  Our evening concluded with an excellent four course meal in the Kilmore Hotel Cavan.  Thanks to our driver Brian who drove us round and to Foxhound Travel for providing our transport for the day.

By michael Tue 28th Jun

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