Ballybay Notes

By michael Tue 26th Apr

Seniors Training Continues every Tues and Fri night .All players to attend . Senior league game, sponsored by Drumlin group Credit Unions was played against Scotstown on Saturday past and Ballybay came away with a win by 2 points.
Speedy Recovery is wished to Fergal Mc Ardle following his recent operation .

 Junior B.   Game on 27th April against Carickmacross. Sponsored by Platinium Tanks.

Minors;  St Pats Minors lost their game against a very strong Castleblayney team in Drumhowan on Tuesday 19th at 7.15pm, Game against Scotstown on Tues 26 away.

Juveniles; U 14s. The u 14’s had a good win against Doohamlet in League on             Saturday.U14’s in semi final of championship on Tuesday 26th April against Aughnamullen in Aughnamullen at 7pm .Results next week  U12s .The u12’s play latton this Saturday 30th in Latton, All players please assemble at school at 11.15 am. Kick off at 12.00

All Juvenile fixtures sponsored by Gerry’s Prepared Veg Ballybay

 Football Gloves. Club now selling Football gloves for juveniles, all sizes, Contact club member Darrren Smith

Bingo Bingo continues every Tues night at 9pm in club house.                                   May Madness has arrived again.1000 euro Jackpot each week for the week of May.

Presentation night. Presentation night on Friday 29th April at club rooms, Food served at 9.15 pm. Music by The Davis Bros.  Presentations to Players of the year, Junior b div 3 winners and Hall of Fame .Tickets 15 euro each . Tickets from Corner Shop,Smyths Shop and Gerry Traynor’s shop. Please support our club night.

Referee . Jason Mc Andrew has his first game as referee this weekend and the club wishes him all the best

Sympathy,   Ballybay Pearse  Bros would like to express their deepest sympathy to the wife and family of the late Ownie Mc Donnell . Ownie had a keen interest in the local club and was always at the games. May he rest in peace.
Astro turf, Anyone interested in using astro for sport or recreation please contact Brendan Macklin 0876766283

Notes. Any one who would like any notes included in club notes please contact Claudine Wylie at 0876865103

By michael Tue 26th Apr

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