By michael Tue 15th Mar


Monaghan had five acts taking part in last Saturday night’s Ulster senior Scor final in Newry and following very keen competition two acts from the county go through to the All Ireland final which takes place in Killarney on the Saturday, April 9th. The Emyvale Set Dancers are through to the All Ireland final where they will be hoping to replicate former glory and the Sean McDermotts Novelty Act also won their way through to the ultimate decider. Monaghan in fact came very close to getting further representation with the Emyvale Ceile Dancers and the Scotstown Ballad Group coming a very close second in their categories as both scored 1 first and 2 seconds from the three judges, so it was a very close call. The Scotstown Quiz Team though had the hardest luck of all in that they looked to have the competition won only to be ruled out on a technicality regarding the written answer to their final 6 mark question. Clubs who may wish to attend the All Ireland Scor final in Killarney are asked to have their applications for tickets with Scor Co-ordinator Pauline Rooney before Monday March 21st.

By michael Tue 15th Mar

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