Clontibret Notes

By michael Tue 8th Feb


Dinner Dance

The Dinner Dance & Presentation night is this Saturday night in the Four Seasons Hotel, not the Hillgrove as was in the notes last week. Apologies for the confusion. This promises to be a great night with the highlight being the presentation of the Mick Duffy Cup medals and the Fergal O’Hanlon Cup medals to our senior and minor footballers, as well as Player of the Year Awards being presented. Tickets are still available from committee members.

National League Forecasts

Will all sellers please return their National League forecasts to the club between 8.30pm and 9.30pm tomorrow evening, Friday. Please keep supporting this weekly fundraiser for the club. Last week’s winner was Fergal Mone who got 56 points.

Senior Scor

Congratulations to Christopher Brennan and our quiz team of Damien Moen, Liam Swift and Malachy Trainor who took part on Senior Scor competition last weekend. They all performed very well on the night and most importantly represented the club in the Scor competition after a long absence, and this is something we can build on in the coming years.

Club Meeting
There will be a short club meeting this evening, Thursday in the club at 9.30pm to finalise arrangements for the Dinner Dance.

By michael Tue 8th Feb

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