Camogie News

By michael Tue 8th Feb

February 8th. ‘11

County Board Meeting

Finance was top of the agenda at last Mondays County Board Meeting which was held in the Four Seasons Hotel where a variety of options were gone through on how to raise much needed finances and find a sponsor for the County team for the coming season.

 With the senior team away to Wicklow Kildare and Meath in the All Ireland Junior Championship not to mention the Ulster Junior Championship this Summer it was decided to arrange a further meeting solely for finances on Monday 21st. February in the Community Centre Clontibret at 7pm.where delegates are invited to bring along their ideas. The Fixtures Committee will also meet to draw up the League and Blitz fixtures at the same venue on this date.

Ger Gribben Regional Development Officer attended the Board Meeting with a view to interlinking Louth with Monaghan in underage competitions. He also emphasised the importance of getting the primary school children who attend the Cuman na mBunscoil blitz’s engaged in the various camogie clubs in the County.

The positions of Asst. Chairperson, Treasurer and Asst. Treasurer which had been left vacant at convention were completed when Liz Mc. Connon, Inniskeen agreed to take the first position with Arlene Mc. Geeney, Inniskeen and Nicola Mc. Kenna, Truagh respectively taking the two treasurer’s positions. Marie Greenan, Clontibret was named as Development Officer for the County.

County Training

The Management team of Paul Ward and Geraldine Clarke are pleased with the excellent attendance at County Training. If there are more girls out there who would still like to get involved why not come along to Cloghan on Wednesday evening and Sunday

County U16’s

The U16 Ulster Championship gets underway on 19th February when Monaghan are home to Donegal.  Tyrone and Armagh meet in the preliminary round on Saturday next 12th February and the winners play Cavan on 19th February also in the semi finals. The final is fixed for 26th February.  Mary and Gerry Murphy are currently training this squad in preparation for these upcoming events.

County U14’s

The Schools of Excellence for u14’s is to begin with a training session in Cloghan on March 12th The County U14 School Of Excellence squad are to train 6 times and play two blitz’s

  List of  Intercounty u14 blitz days for 2011

April 3rd Sun U14 National development squad blitz
25th April Mon U14 National development blitz


The blitz venues will be confirmed at a later date. Can all clubs ensure that as many U14 girls as possible are brought along to these invaluable sessions

                                               Club News


Camogie Training is in Cloghan this Wednesday Night at 8pm for all team members wishing to participate in the Monaghan County Training. Please make your best effort to attend so we can shake off the cobwebs! We would also like to invite any new members young and old to get in contact with us. If you’re looking for an excuse to get out of the house, have the craic with a great bunch of girls and get fit all at the same time, why don’t you come to a training session? Everyone welcome!

Our condolences to team mate Linda Callan on the passing of her grandfather last weekend. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.


AGM: We will be holding our re-scheduled AGM tomorrow night, Friday, in St Mellans at 7.30. Could everybody please make the effort to attend. New members and parents are encouraged to attend also. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Monaghan Sports Partnership: We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Michelle and all in Monaghan Sports Partnership for their generous donation  of  €400 this year.   This is very much appreciated.

By michael Tue 8th Feb

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