Ballybay notes

By michael Tue 15th Feb

Seniors Training every Tues and Thurs night at 8pm sharp. All players to attend.

Bingo Every Tues night at 9pm sharp

Astro Turf  Any one or club interested in using astro turf pitch , please contact Brendan Macklin0876766283

Membership Membership is now due for 2011. Adults 20 euro juvenile ( u 18) 5 euro. Family (2 adults and 1Juvenile ) 40 euro
membership can be paid at the club house on Friday 18th and 25th from 9pm to 10pm or contact Gerry West

Vice Chair.  Vice Chair position is now held by Martin Glesson

Juvenile Committee.  Meeting was held of juvenile committee and officers elected are.
Chair Tom Keenan. Vice Chair Cathal Hand, Secretary Rosaleen and P R O Joan,
Managers for season are U8/10 Kevin Smith/ Tom Keenan. U 12 Peter Ward/ Tommy Mc Skeane. U14 Colm Duffy/ John Joe Mc Kearney
U16 Killian Mc Avinney/ Thomas Ward

Juvenile Presentation night. Presentation night for all juveniles and families will be held Friday 11th march. More details later

Challenge Match. The senior  team had a good run out against a team from Ardee, with a good turn out of available players. Thanks to ladies for serving refreshments afterwards it was much appreciated by visiting team.

Monaghan V E C Team
 Monaghan V e c team lost out on 4 in a row Ulster final title to a stronger Donegal team. Our club players on the team Tomas Shane Cathal and Ryan put in a commendable performance.

Challenge Match . Senior team had a very good run out against team from Ardee on Sunday morning , there was a very good turn out of available players.
Thanks to ladies for serving refreshments afterwards  which was much appreciated by visiting team

Club Notes. Any one wishing to have any iems included in Ballybay notes contact claudine 0876865103

By michael Tue 15th Feb

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