Upcoming Coaching Courses

By michael Tue 25th Jan

Upcoming Coaching Courses
A Charide,
  1. Coachig Officer Meeting – Wed 2nd Feb in Cloghan @ 7:30, more information on this course to follow by Coaching Officer.

  2. Level 1 Children Coaching Course starts on 4th/5th February, Can clubs start forwarding names to me ASAP. This course is due to start on Friday week, at the moment the uptake has been very slow, so can I ask clubs to promote this course as much as possible. This course targets coaches who are working with U6’s/8’s/10’s/12’s and have completed the Foundation Award. Cost of course is 55euro per head if 24 people attend, price will increase if less attend.

  3. Kevin Kelly Ulster Council Development Officer is delivering a workshop on Club Coaching Structures on Tue 8th Feb @ 7:30pm (be finished @ 8:30pm) in Cremartin GAA. This workshop targets Football, Hurling, Camogie & Ladies Football clubs. Could clubs please confirm to me by email that a representative from their club will be attending this workshops on or before 7th Feb @ 4pm.
  4. GAA for All workshop – Wed 9th Feb in Annyalla National School @ 7:30 to 9, to be delivered by Diarmaid Mardsen. Tragets Parents, Teachers, Students, people who work in a full time or voluntary capacity with Children with Disability or Special Needs.
  5. Dates for Foundation and Level One Courses.

    Places available / costs are based on having 24 people and if numbers are less than that the cost per person will increase.Clubs may host a course in partnership with neighbouring clubs. It may NOT be possible to run off a course over a week end ( Fri Ngt and Sat), i.e. delivery would be over 3 week nights. Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate requests from clubs it may not be possible to deliver a course until the Autumn.The Dead Line for requesting a course is Friday 28th January and consideration will be given on a first come first served basis.
  6. Child Protection Courses – Planning two courses in February.1. The first course will target Club Administrators & Committee members. Date – Wednesday 16th February –7pm -10pm2. The 2nd Course will target coaches who have attained coaching qualifications but do not have Child Protection Course Award. Date – Monday 21st February –7pm -10pm
By michael Tue 25th Jan

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