Cremartin Club Note

By michael Tue 25th Jan


Thursday 27/01/11


There was no winner of the Shalotto held in the Social Club on Sunday 23rd January. Numbers Drawn were: 5-6-8-20.  Lucky Dip Winners: Maire Ni Branagain, Drumgriston, The Gibbons Family, Drumgriston, The McGuigan Family, Cremartin, John Joe Brennan, Croghan and Paddy Kearney.  The Jackpot stands at €7,000 and this weekend’s draw will take place in Atkinson’s Shamrock Bar on Sunday evening next.  Anyone wishing to prepay their yearly Shalotto can do so for €100. Please contact any Committee member.

PLEASE NOTE: ALL Shalotto tickets must be handed in by 9.30 p.m. every Sunday evening to ensure that they go into the draw.


In compliance with direction from Croke Park Cremartin Shamrocks GFC requests membership fees are paid by 31st of March 2011. We are kindly requesting that all new and existing club members acknowledge this deadline. It is imperative that all football players update their membership before the beginning of the season. Fees are Adults – €30, Juveniles – €15, Students – €15 and for a family (family = two adults and any children under 18) – €60.


Training will continues for senior players on Tuesday and Friday nights at 8pm sharp. All players are requested to be togged out and ready to go at 7.45pm.

Under 21 Shamrock Tournament
The 2011 Shamrock Cup U21 Tournament commences this weekend.

Fixtures: Tyrone v Fermanagh in Pomeroy on Saturday at 12.00 noon.

Monaghan v Down in Cloghan on Sunday at 12.00 noon.  Please give your support!

Annual Presentation Dinner

Our Annual Presentation Dinner will take place on Saturday 19th February 2011. Our Reserve team will be presented with their winner medals on the night.  Also we will be presenting our Hall of Fame/Player of Year awards.  More details nearer time.

Fibs for Phones

Old mobile phones are urgently needed.  Our PADPaks in the two AEDs expire this month and must be replaced.  If we can collect enough old phones for recycling it would help to fund this expense.  Please search around, ask friends/relatives and leave all old phones in the buckets in Malone’s shop or in Cremartin Club.

All members pleases note that there will be a group of Collectors on behalf of Annyalla Church going round the houses in the Annyalla Cremartin areas to collect money to upgrade equipment for the two Defibrillators. Please give generously as this community venture is of great importance to our Club as well.

By michael Tue 25th Jan

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