Clontibret Club ntes

By michael Tue 18th Jan


Club Meeting

At the club meeting last Thursday evening the remaining club officer vacancies were filled as follows: Assistant Secretary: David Ward, Cultural Officer: Geraldine Clarke, Alcohol & Substance Abuse Prevention Officer (ASAP): Jerome Savage. The club also adopted the ASAP charter which will involve the roll out of substance abuse information to underage players


GAA Social Initiative

The GAA Social Initiative launched initially at the suggestion of President Mary McAleese is designed to involve and re-integrate former players, members and supporters into the club and the community. With this in mind a Social Evening is planned for Friday, 25th February when it is hoped many from past generations of the club will come to share a crack, watch a few video clips of past games, exchange tales, share some food and perhaps enjoy some music. Current club members are asked to make former members, players and supporters in their area aware of this event and encourage them to attend what should be a memorable night. Further details will follow.


Young Player of the Year

It was decided at last Thursday evening’s club meeting to initiate a club award for Young Player of the Year. This will be awarded at the end of each year to a young player who has demonstrated dedication and commitment to their game, team and club and who shows promise for the future. The award will honour the memory of former player and club President, the late Jim Woods and will be inaugurated at the forthcoming Presentation Dinner Dance


Dinner Dance

Keep free on Saturday, 12th February for the club’s dinner dance and presentation of medals which will take place in The Four Seasons Hotel. Tickets available from committee members and in the clubrooms.

U14s go Go Karting

A huge thanks to the club and to the management of the u14 team for taking the u14s on a well earned trip to Newry to go go-karting over the Christmas period. The winners were as follows: 1st Donal McElvaney, 2nd Dylan Connolly, 3rd Stephen Mohan. Thanks also to Wimax for their generous sponsorship of the u14 team who won the Shield Final last season.

By michael Tue 18th Jan

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